Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, on Tuesday cabled his Lebanese counterpart Gebran Bassil. in

Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, on Tuesday cabled his Lebanese counterpart Gebran Bassil. in light of the latest developments in the region, especially the sudden resignation of Prime Minister Saad Hariri.

In his cable, Zarif highlighted the obligation to preserve stability in Lebanon, and "the necessity to allow the president of the republic and the legitimate constitutional institutions to take the right decisions according to the Lebanese national interest, away from foreign pressures and provocative manners, aiming to impose external opinions on the Lebanese people and sovereignty."

The Iranian diplomacy chief did not fail to shed light on the "miserable and gruesome" situation in Yemen, maintaining that there is no military solution to this country's conflict.

Accordingly, he reminded of his initiative based on clinching ceasefire, securing humanitarian and medical aid for Yemen people, resuming national dialogue, and forming a national unity government.

"There is no military solution to any crisis in the region. The only solution lies within dialogue and diplomacy," Zarif said

Source: NNA