Artist Cerine Abd El Nour has stressed that she is waiting for her first baby Artist Cerine Abd El Nour has stressed that she is waiting for her first baby, hoping that the New Year heralds his coming to life. Cerine’s assurance was made during a phone call with program(Bedon Shak) ( Without A Doubt), that is aired on Soot El mosika radio station. Cerine’s assurance has confirmed rumors from sources close to her that she is in her fourth month of pregnancy. Cerine had expressed hopes that she is looking forward to becoming a mother and to hear the dearest word to her heart, mom. She underlined the fact that her business with her artistic works and commitments had delayed the idea of maternity for a long while since she and her husband are always apart due to business with work. She also stressed that family is her first priority and that success in artistic career is short-lived and can’t make for failure in family life. She added that family and children is the most important thing in life, saying that art is a heartless career.