The cabinet approved on Wednesday the National Plan for Youth Employment for 2014 – 2016. In its weekly meeting chaired by Prime Minister Mohamed Salem Basindwa, the cabinet instructed the concerned ministries and agencies to implement their parts of the national plan. The plan submitted by the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation aims to increase job opportunities for youths and provides decent and productive employments. It based on three main themes; providing immediate opportunities for youths via labor-intensive work programs, building youths\' capacities and strengthen the promising economic sectors roles in increase youth employment, and smoothing youths entering into the domestic and foreign labor markets. The plan, which comes within government\'s fulfillment of its obligations to donors set in the mutual accountabilities framework, was prepared under the supervision of the Ministries of Planning and International Cooperation and Social Affairs and Labor, in cooperation with the UNDP and the International Labour Organization (ILO). It has been also discussed by the relevant governmental bodies, the private sector, youth organizations and non-governmental organizations. The cabinet also approved a partnership document between the government and Civil Society Organizations (SCOs), as part of the government fulfillment of its commitment stipulated in the mutual accountability framework with donors. Presented by the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, the document stipulates the establishment of a national entity (higher partnership council), in which both partners are represented and to coordinate the partnership process and oversee its implementation. The document prepared by a team of UN and local experts, representatives from government agencies, local and international CSOs, aims to improve the making, implementation and evaluation of public development policy and to participate in achieving the sustainable development goals, in addition to developing CSOs.