Mr. Ron Oswald, Secretary-General of the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Association (IUF) reasserted, on Sunday, his organisation's solidarity with the Tunisian people and "their Revolution that triggered the fall of dictatorships like autumn leaves." In a statement to TAP news agency, Mr. Oswald said that the participation of IUF in the symposium on tourism and union action in Tunisia is a message of solidarity with workers in this sector who suffered damage after the revolution. "It is also an expression of our will to identify ways of co-operation to revive tourism in Tunisia and strengthen the rights of the sector's employees," he also said. IUF Secretary-General,  who is taking part in this three-day symposium held September 18-20 in Hammamet, said that this meeting held with the participation of representatives from Arab, European and North and South American unions, is also "an opportunity to draw on the Tunisian union experience." Indeed, he said, the goal hoped-for is to establish foundations of a "tourism that respects ethics of the profession and guarantees tourism workers' rights." For his part, Mr. Abdessalem Jrad, Secretary-General of the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT), said that tourism, which is a vital sector in Tunisia, strongly needs a real solidarity drive that can be translated in a technical co-operation, investment incentives and promotion of the Tunisia destination. This meeting, organised in association with the General Federation of Food Industries, Tourism, Trade and Handicrafts stemming from the UGTT, will review the action programme of the union related to the Arab countries and activities and programmes that could be developed. Participants will also present reports on unions and challenges they face. They will also examine the reality of the tourism sector and its prospects, more particularly in the Arab region after the outbreak of revolutions in this part of the world.