Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan face scare-tactic ads about Medicare but at least they have an idea about what to do about the program, US Sen. John McCain said. McCain, R-Ariz., told \"Fox News Sunday\" President Obama has never come up with a solid plan that addresses the wobbly financial future of Medicare and Democrats aren\'t in a position to credibly criticize Ryan\'s hawkish views. \"They have not had a plan yet to save Social Security and Medicare, and they\'ve had nearly four years to do it,\" said McCain. \"Paul Ryan has taken the courageous steps to bring this issue to the forefront, and we are going to have to address it.\" McCain noted the 42-year-old Ryan is part of a generation that is still a ways away from Medicare and Social Security and might not find it available to them when they reach their golden years unless decisive steps are taken. The Hill said McCain also agreed Romney\'s selection of the Wisconsin congressman as a running mate was a bold choice similar to his choice of Sarah Palin, a relative unknown, in his 2008 presidential run against then-Sen. Barack Obama. McCain called Ryan an \"excellent choice\" who would bring solid Washington experience to a Romney administration. \"Paul Ryan brings the balance of understanding how the Congress works, how the budget process works, understanding the entire process and established relationships that I think will make him most effective in getting the Mitt Romney agenda through the Congress,\" McCain said.