Chinese President Hu Jintao on Friday met with his Peruvian counterpart Ollanta Humala Tasso in Honolulu, Hawaii, to exchange views on how to further bilateral ties. Hu congratulated Humala on his election as president, saying he expected to build good working relations and personal friendship with the Peruvian president to jointly push forward the China-Peru relations. The Chinese leader extended his sincere sympathy for the victims of the severe earthquake hitting southern Peru in October. Hu also expressed his confidence that under the leadership of President Humala, the Peruvian people would overcome their difficulties and rebuild their homes. Humala, for his part, praised the sustainable development of bilateral ties, noting that China has become Peru\'s major trading partner and that the two countries have established strategic partnership. China and Peru set up diplomatic ties in 1971, and established strategic partnership in November 2008 when President Hu paid a state visit to the Latin American nation. In recent years, the two countries have seen frequent high-level exchanges, deepening political mutual trust and fruitful achievements in bilateral cooperation in various fields. Peru is one of China\'s main trading partners in Latin America. Last year, bilateral trade increased by 48 percent from a year earlier to 9.7 billion U.S. dollars. The two countries also have maintained excellent coordination and communications in international affairs. Both China and Peru are members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Hu and Humala are in Hawaii for the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.