Representatives from 34 countries participated in a conference in Brussels from June 17-19 to discuss how countries can better work together and cooperate on export control, thereby reducing the threat of global proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, an EU statement said here Wednesday. The meeting, themed \"International Export Control Cooperation and Outreach Dialogue\", is jointly organized under the EU\'s Export Control in Dual Use Goods program and the US Department of State\'s Export Control and Related Border Security Program. Attendees included licensing and customs agencies, export control authorities, NGOs and exporters from across the world. During the conference, experts shared best practice and expertise on their experience in controlling exports. The conference is expected to have further developed the work program of the existing EU-US Export Control Outreach working group, which will bring export security and cross border cooperation going forward, noted the statement. The EU has an export control strategy on dual use items, set up to provide advice to countries on key areas of export controls.