Algerian dinar

The average monthly salary in Algeria (outside sectors of agriculture and administration) has risen by 13.7% during 2013 reaching DZD 36,104 DA (against DZD 31,755 in 2012), said the National Office of Statistics (ONS).
The increase is resulting from the salary rise decided in 2012 but applied effectively in 2013.
In the legal sector, the overall salary increase in 2013 was 13.4% in the public sector and 13.9% in the private one, according to the results of the annual survey on salaries conducted by the ONS in May 2013 among 1,025 companies, including 351 national private firms operating in different fields outside agriculture and administration.
The average net monthly salary was DZD 51,000 in the public sector and DZD 29,200 in the national private sector in 2013.
The most significant rise was recorded in the sectors of services (+18.9%), building and public works (+18.5%) and in electricity, gas and water production and distribution (+18.1%). However the survey showed that these sectors have the lowest salaries.
Despite the increase in the sectors, the salaries in the sector of building and public works remain the lowest with a monthly average of DZD 28,021 in 2013, against DZD 23,652 in 2012, said the technical director in charge of social statistics and incomes at the ONS, Youcef Bazizi, who is also the supervisor of the survey.
In the sector of real estate, the average salaries remain also low with a monthly average of DZD 29,092, despite a 14.5% rise in 2013, according to the survey.