Play 'Choukhous Moutaqatiaa'

The dress rehearsal of play "Choukhous Moutaqatiâa" (crossed characters) was presented Thursday in Algiers at the National Theatre Mahieddine Bachtarzi (TNA) in a tragic world which portrayed the lack of communication in a society where life trajectories overlap each others in the ignorance and indifference of the others.
Written and staged by Hamid Gouri, the play focuses on five independent stories, highlighting five characters, each of whom racked by a unique and dramatic story.
The dilapidation of the spaces of culture, the marginalization of the intellectual elite, the artists’ lost hopes and the aspiration for more freedom of a journalist overwhelmed by uncertainty are some of the symptoms of a distressed society which were treated in this play.
The play is produced by the cultural and artistic cooperative "Port Said."