In the next few hours, former head of news at Egypt’s state TV during the January 25 Revolution, Abdel-Latif El-Manawy, will release his new book in London titled “The Last Days of Mubarak.” The book is expected to uncover a lot of secrets related to the last hours of Mubarak’s rule. The publishing date was planned to coincide with the first anniversary of the January 25 Revolution. El Manawy focuses on details of Mubarak’s last hours at the presidential palace and the chaos it witnessed before his move to Sharm El Sheikh. According to El-Manawy, Mubarak’s wife Suzanne had collapsed when she realized they were leaving the palace after 30 years, and was unable to walk until guards assisted her to take a farewell tour in the palace. Abdel-Latif El-Manawy resides in London after he was forced to quit his post under heavy protests by state TV workers and anchors accusing him of cooperating with Mubarak’s regime and leading the state TV campaign against the revolution.