Legendary trainer Tim Grover uses his experience with the world’s top athletes to drill down into the killer instinct that separates the good from the great, showing you how to tap into the dark side of competitive intensity in order to win—regardless of the circumstance or cost. Direct, blunt, and brutally honest, Relentless goes to the “dark side” of competitive intensity and killer instinct, that intangible zone where good becomes great, daring you to admit what’s stopping you from succeeding, and forcing you to see that to be the best, you have to keep getting better, never stop working and improving, and never accept being “good enough.” Over the past two decades, Tim Grover has trained more than 100 championship athletes from all the major professional sports, including Hall of Famers Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, Alex Rodriguez, Ken Griffey Jr., and many others. Now Tim Grover will finally reveal how the best athletes in the world harness their fears and instincts to achieve unstoppable greatness. Relentless offers you the secret sauce; Grover describes how to tap into this “dark side,” an intense quality that exists in all of us and has applications in all aspects of life—from fitness to business, from work to school. The appealing part of the promise is that it’s not about some magic diet or pill or squat pattern you do to become better. So much out there tells you how to change by looking for external solution. Tim contends that everything you need is already in you. He shows you how to find it, tap into it, and use it to achieve true greatness.