‘Underneath My Skin’

Author Matthew Smith Jr.’s grandfather grew up in a time of segregation in the United States. Though he was a black man by racial definition, he looked to be and was perceived as white. He discovered that his white skin was an advantage, and he made the best of this perception.
Inspired by his grandfather’s experience with racism, Smith wrote his new novel, “Underneath My Skin” (published by Trafford Publishing). This book is meant as a teaching tool for all regarding issues of race and discrimination.
Jennifer Reynolds dreams of becoming a lawyer or an FBI agent. As the daughter of a fair-skinned black man and white woman, Jennifer was born with her mother’s features. Her father demands that Jennifer list herself as Caucasian when entering Virginia Tech University. Jennifer is proud of her heritage and does not want to go through with her father’s demands, but she cedes to his wishes. She soon learns the reality of racism in the modern age. Her greatest fear is that if you tell a lie long enough, you will believe the lie.
Source: PRWEB