The exhibition will be launched at 7.30pm at Gallery Sarah at the Bait Al Zubair and will last for a

 A ‘Coronation’ exhibition will be launched at Gallery Sarah on May 16.

To be held under the auspices of Hani bin Mohammed Al Zubair, executive director of the Zubair Corporation, the exhibition will showcase more than 65 distinctive artworks by 29 Omani and other resident artists from different nationalities. 

Some of the participants are established artists, whereas others have already started making their mark on the art scene.

Some of the participating artists from Oman are Madny Al Bakry, Said Al Alawi, Tahira Fida, Anna Dudchenko, Mohammed Al Mamari, Juma Al Harthi, Adnan Al Raisi, whereas artists from other countries are Julian Mullineux from the United Kingdom, Ayman Humaira from Syria, Nathalie Dernaika from Lebanon, and Dilip Oinam from India, among others.

The exhibition will be launched at 7.30pm at Gallery Sarah at the Bait Al Zubair and will last for a month.

Source: Timesofoman