November 29, 2016
Don't insist on being a free agent. A prospective employer needs a team player. Asking for special privileges will make your colleagues resent you. Focus on doing a good job and paying your dues. After you've established yourself as a trustworthy worker, you can negotiate a better arrangement. Take this as an opportunity to forge good relationships with your peers. These alliances will contribute greatly to your ultimate success. If you're going to be an island, build some bridges.
Weekly Horoscopes
Upgrading your computer or smartphone may be expensive. Go ahead and spend a little more money than usual. The time such a gadget will save can be significant. You're tired of lagging behind everyone else, especially on the professional front. If you lack technical skills, check out the knowledge and know how available to you online. It will take more time than usual to master a complicated software program, so be patient. Persistence pays off. At times like this, your stubbornness is an asset.
A stroke of luck will have something to do with a cherished goal or your career. A project you take up for sheer pleasure will help you develop your creative side. Making more time for fun activities like dancing, sports, singing and lovemaking keeps you in high spirits. You're hopeful and optimistic and you exude an alluring vibe. Admirers are lining up at your door. Are you in a relationship? Let your lover wine and dine you.
November 2016 Horoscope
An opportunity for career advancement will arrive in early November. Don't be afraid of taking a job that involves a great deal of responsibility. You'll enjoy assuming a new challenge. It may be necessary to intimidate detractors who poke fun at your unorthodox methods. The sooner you establish you mean business, the more successful you will be. The Full Moon on the 14th will find you spending quality time with your family. This is a wonderful chance to reconnect with your nearest and dearest. Attending a recital, game or performance will be lots of fun. The second half of November will be a wonderfully social time. Attend as many parties and casual get togethers. The New Moon on the 29th will cause you to question your priorities. Devoting more time to the activities you love will create a scandal. People who have come to rely on you to perform their dirty work will protest. Ignore these complaints.