December 1,2017
It will be easy to talk to a close friend or romantic partner about your hopes, dreams and desires. Stop holding back. As soon as you utter your wish, you'll draw it much closer to it. If you're in a troubled relationship, you may decide to break it off. It will be much easier to fulfil your potential once you're flying solo. There's no reason to stay with someone who doesn't support you. If you've simply grown apart, you can part ways with a minimum of drama.
Weekly Horoscopes
Spending money won't make a problem go away. Resist the temptation to ease your fears with a shopping trip. If you're drowning in debt, it's time to contact a money manager. There are many organisations dedicated to helping consumers like you. Don't let pride get in the way of wiping out debt. Your personal charisma is at an all-time high. Whether you're looking for love, trying to find a job or promoting a creative plan, you'll succeed.
Emails, text messages and letters sent and received will lead to pleasing romantic developments. Your communication skills are at an all-time high; that's why you and your partner are getting on better than ever. Are you single? Your magnetic personality will attract admirers to you like a flower attracts bees. When you find someone new, spend as much time with each other as possible. Emotional bonds will not be formed instantly but in time, you will have a lot to appreciate about each other.
December 2017 Horoscope
Trying to push someone into making a decision is bound to backfire in early December. It's better to make a strategic retreat than press your point. On the 3rd, the Full Moon will put an added strain on a romantic relationship. If you part ways with your amour, try to stay friends. Although you might not have worked well as partners, you still have a lot to offer each other. The middle of the month finds you teaming up with somebody who is unlike anyone you've ever partnered with before. Their upbeat attitude will bring fun and adventure to your life. The New Moon on the 18th sets the scene for excellent news about a creative idea or project. This will be a great time to sign with an agent or publisher. The second half of the month brings heavy household responsibilities. You may invite a relative or friend to live with you while they recover from an illness or professional setback. Christmas will be cosy, comfortable and reassuring.