April 29, 2017
You're a magnet for money. Developing a creative idea will yield impressive profits. You're especially good at conceiving products for the luxury market. When crafting a prototype, use the best quality materials. This will set your work apart from the crowd. Are you applying for a job? Create a handsome portfolio that invites people to linger over the pages. You have to spend money to make it. Dip into your savings to build a lifetime of financial stability.
Weekly Horoscopes
Getting away from the madding crowd will be a relief. Take this opportunity to develop a project that is close to your heart. Don't reveal the details to the public until every aspect is perfect. A flawless presentation will dramatically increase your chance for success. Friends will be especially supportive of you. They're eager to repay you for past kindnesses. Don't turn away their offers of practical help, money and emotional support.
Someone is trying to push you into a situation you aren’t comfortable with. It is time for you to be more assertive. You’re ready to walk away from superficial friends. Letting go of ties that no longer bring you happiness will be cathartic. Make people who enrich your life with joy, laughter, wisdom and emotional support the priority. If you get the feeling your partner is growing restless, do something to spice up your love life.
April 2017 Horoscope
It will be easy to command attention throughout April. Take this opportunity to promote your agenda and increase demands. Your powers of persuasion will be very strong, making it difficult to refuse any of your requests. After being provided with new information, you'll revise some opinions about current events. Be prepared to apologise for any confusion you have caused. On the 11th, the Full Moon will create strain at work. Mixing your personal and professional lives will cause a great deal of unhappiness. If you feel you want to ask a colleague for a date you should think again. Easter brings a lovely opportunity to socialise with caring people who bring out the best in you. Expenses will increase during the second half of the month, despite your best efforts to economise. Launching a self-improvement programme will be successful on the 26th, thanks to an empowering New Moon. Turn over a new leaf.