Oriana, the most prestigious beauty and spa industry brand in Saudi Arabia, will host the first Elite Wedding exhibition in Jeddah on May 22. “We always strive to provide the finest services that are compatible with the latest trends and styles in the beauty and spa industry,” said Oriana’s CEO Zina Nabulsi. “This exhibition will provide a comprehensive list of services under one roof. It will showcase the leading and most prestigious local and international brands that offer products for upcoming brides. The event will also allow them to meet with decision maker and leaders in the industry, who will give tips and guidelines to cater for different tastes.” World-renowned expert hairstylist Mohammad Alsagheer, whose name has been associated with superstars in the Arab world and around the globe, will attend the event. “We devoted a full day for Oriana customers to meet with the expert for tips and advice on hair. Alsagheer will also host an intensive training session for Oriana’s beauty experts to improve their skills and knowledge of the latest fashion trends, which will offer added value to our customers,” added Nabulsi. Oriana recently hosted one of the leading and renowned beauty and hair experts, Rani Alam, who also held an intensive training course for experts in Oriana over three days at the spa’s center in Jeddah. The course focused on developing staff skills, and to expand their scope on the various fashion trends and other beauty advice, reflecting a commitment to provide all that is modern and distinctive to its customers. The exhibition will bring together a selection of elite global brands specializing in many fields, including, The Passionates Photography, Le Papier, Chocolat, Jade Jewelry, Lavander, Nespresso, and Emona. From : Arab News