Former undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf Salem Abdul Jalil

Salem Abdul Jalil, former undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf and the adviser of Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs adviser, said that the idea of ​​renewing religious discourse was originated in the Ministry of Awqaf and for nearly 15 years, particularly after the events of September 11, 2001, when former president of the United States, George Bush, and former President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak talked about it in Egypt. Then the Ministry of Awqaf adopted an approach to the renewal of religious discourse which began through authored books, then the imam training on this subject, and many accomplishments occurred, whether in research or training of imams.
The revolution of January wasted all the efforts as it allowed the Islamic elements to get out of their hideouts and control the scene, making the religious discourse accomplished by the endowments declined.
In my opinion the renewal of religious discourse depends on developing the thoughts of Imams. There is 100,000 mosques in Egypt with 100,000 imams and preachers, if we renewed the thoughts of these imams, we would achieve the renewal of religious discourse in a realistic way.
In regard with the unified Friday sermon, and whether the Salafists are eligible to deliver it, Abdul Jalil said that unified sermon is very positive if exploited properly, I am not against the unified sermon, I am against the random sermons without a good selection of the topic, and against the random writing without good formulation of a topic. It should be suitable choice for the theme of reality and appropriate to the circumstances of the people in general, and develop in imams values ​​and morals and good behaviors. The sermon should be written well and sent to imams before Friday and then I will ensure that 100,000 preachers will deliver the sermon properly. He added 80% of the mosques suffer from weak preaching, only 60% of mosques have elidible imams, and 40% of the mosques have not eligible Salafist preachers.
On the divorce crisis, which it has recently been raised, Abdul Jalil said, it must first determine whether a divorce is a crisis? Or marriage, or the economy of the crisis of ethics, education .. etc. It is not one crisis, divorce part of these crises, you have today maidens males and females exceed millions, and some studies have said that they are over nine million male and female, the result crisis marriage.
There is also a morality crisis, I think media is the best proof of that, mere disagreement with you in opinion gives you a vision of the ethics of the people very poor, you have an economic crisis, no one denies that the people are already poor do not have a living and there are others who do not complain, but they suffering, poverty exists in Egypt, not only in Egypt but in the whole world, or many countries of the world, and divorce is on of these crises.
The responsibility of these crises lies on everyone and should not bury our heads in sand, we are responsible for all of this, nor education nor the media they could not disavow responsibility, not even the family are all required of us great effort in this framework is moving in a parallel lines and not vice versa.
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf previously said rates of divorce going in the same way that they used to be and has become in a very bad curve, said, however, Egypt remains the increase of forty percent medium, they are not low nor high, for example, in Tunisia, the ratio exceeds 65%, although it legalized divorce state and it established a formal system followed by the people there, while Belgium ratio of divorce which, although it does not fall, but the courts reached only 71%, the matter is not in the documentation of the divorce or otherwise, but in education and continuing education and awareness, and the other bearing, teach the Koran, because he put a framework for divorce. And the solution to that crisis lies in applying the Quran teachings and instructions and warning those who violate the Quran.