Vice - President of the Republic, Hassabo Mohamed Abdul-Rahman.

Vice - President of the Republic, Hassabo Mohamed Abdul-Rahman, has affirmed the Presidency support to the Sudanese Football Association to carry out its role.
This came when he received Wednesday in his office at the Republican Palace a delegation of the Sudanese Football Association which was headed by the association's chairman, Dr. Kamal Shaddad, and in presence of the Minister of Youth and Sports in Khartoum State, Al-Yasaa Siddiq.
The delegation has informed the Vice - President on the Football Association's accomplishments in the past period and its strategy for the coming stage.
In a press statement, Deputy Chairman of the Sudanese Football Association, Prof. Mohamed Jalal, said that the Vice - President has pledged to cash the salary for a foreign coach who will assume the training of the National Football Team.
He said that the Presidency has demanded a four-year strategy so as to support it implementation.
He said that the Presidency has referred to its commitment to solve the crisis of the chairmanship of Al-Mereikh Football Club after reviewing the visions of the Minister of Youth and Sports and the Football Association.

Source: SUNA