Moroccan poet Mohammed Bin Talha

The Moroccan poet Mohammed Bin Talha, who won Arkana Poetry Prize, stressed that it is nice to have a prize, which celebrates what is beautiful and what benefit human life, so it is not a prize for me only, but for all Moroccans poets and they deserve this.

Bin Talha explained, in a statement for Arabs Today, that the real poet does not need to honor, and not in need of the award.

"I feels this recognition from the readers, and the poet does not need the fame, but he is in need to take a rose from anyone in his life, before putting it on his grave," he added.

 Regarding the digital revolution and the new generation, who demands Bin Talha to keep pace with social media, he stressed that there are prominent poets and writers communicated through their accounts on Facebook for example, and various social networking sites, but most of them are retreating after a period, due to the irresponsible use of some to these sites.