Call of Tunisia Party

The executive director of the Tunisian political party “Call of Tunisia” “Nidaa Tounes” Hafiz Caid Essebsi” said that the party leads the political scene in Tunisia, it as well acquires the trust of the majority of the Tunisian people, citing recent polls as evidence for the validity of his statement, however , he added that the party is obliged to support its leadership and base with new faces to enhance the national act.
Essebsi said that joining party is conditional on embracing its identity and accepting the results of “Sousse conference”. The party’s executive office meeting on Tuesday will announce the new members joining the party, also it will discuss some public topics and the preparations for the upcoming municipal elections, added Essebsi.
In the terrorism problem, essebsi said that his party is working on locating the bodies responsible for the departure of Tunisian Youth to join terrorist groups, adding that Tuesday’s meeting will issue a final decision regarding this problem.