5 die after vehicle swept off by floods in Tanzania

Five people died after a vehicle was swept off by flash floods in northern Tanzania, police said Friday.

Charles Mkumbo, Arusha Regional Police Commander said the flood was a result of heavy downpour that hit the Tanzania's northern safari capital of Arusha on Thursday evening.

The accident happened at around 10 p.m. local time in Timbolo village located on the slopes of Mount Meru, the second highest mountain in Tanzania after Kilimanjaro.

"Earlier information said that the road was flooded with water and the driver wasn't aware of the speed of the water, so he drove into it and was swept off some kilometers away from the road," the regional police chief said.

Mkumbo said the dead include a newly married couple and three of their wedding guests, who were coming back in a minivan from the wedding held some kilometers away.

For the past two days, Arusha has been experiencing heavy rains which lead to floods.

Arusha is the main gateway to tourists getting into famous sanctuaries of Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti, Lake Manyara and Tarangire National Park.

Source: Xinhua