Khaled Galal

Administrative official of Egypt’s Zamalek football team Khaled Galal stressed the difficulty of the coming match the team will perform against Caps United of Zimbabwe scheduled to be conducted on Friday in the framework of the first match of Round 16 of CAF Champions League.
He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today” that the team will exert its efforts to win the coming match, saying that the match will be important for the team. He stressed that the team plans to win the CAF Champions League during this season, adding that the players will start a training camp in Alexandria from Wednesday.
He praised the team’s performance against Arab Contractors football team in the framework of the Egyptian Premier League, saying that the win will provide the players with a strong moral boost during the coming match against Zimbabwe’s champion. He stressed that the players performed well during the recent match, saying that the coaching staff was keen to give a rest to the players and depended on other players.
He stressed the need for winning the first match of the group stage against Caps Unites, saying that the team will face a difficult match against Ahli Tripoli during the second match of the same round, especially that the first match is scheduled to be conducted in Egypt.