Israel’s Killing of Four Palestinians Focus of Dailies

The three major Palestinian dailies focused on the Israeli forces’ killing of four Palestinians, including a mother of five children, during separate incidents on Tuesday.

The dailies reported that four Palestinians, including a mother of five children, were killed by Israeli forces.

Al-Ayyam and al-Quds said a US national was killed and 12 Israelis were injured in three attacks in Jerusalem, Petah Tekva, and Tel Aviv.

The three dailies also focused on the cancelation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington, and its influence on the US-Israeli relations.

Al-Quds reported that Netanyahu cancelation of his visit to Washington caused a new crisis with Obama’s administration.

Also Al-Ayyam reported that Netanyahu canceled a meeting with Obama in Washington, amid news reports about ongoing US efforts to achieve a political settlement.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida reported that Netanyahu’s cancelation of a meeting with Obama constitutes a new blow for the American-Israeli relations.

In a new poll, the three dailies said half of the Israelis support the expulsion of Palestinians living in Israel. Al-Ayyam added that 30% of Jews see settlements as harming to Israel’s security.

Al-Quds and al-Hayat Al-Jadida quoted the United Nations that “Israel is demolishing Palestinian structures in an alarming rate.”

Al-Quds reported that dozens of ministers and Knesset MPs in Netanyahu’s coalition and opposition demanded continuing settlement activities in conjunction with the visit of the US Vice-President Joe Biden to the region.

Source: WAFA