National Unity Political Parties Praises Qatar's Efforts in Enhancing Stability in Sudan

The National Political Parties Unity Council in Sudan expressed Thursday their thanks to the State of Qatar for its efforts in enhancing the stability and development of Sudan. The group which includes more than 60 parties and movements said that the Doha document was key to achieving stability in the country. Its offering of practical and comprehensive solutions was the biggest motivation for armed groups to consider peace as an option.
The council's President Aboud Jabir told Qatar News Agency (QNA) that they benefited greatly from the Doha document for peace, as it convinced many who were opposed to a national dialogue to engage in one. He said that the national dialogue's agenda and plans were presented to opposition, to give them the chance to analyze it. He added that the completion of all of the Doha document's steps mobilized many segments of Sudan towards the importance of achieving peace and ending war, in order to focus on developmental goals.
Jabir said that work is currently being done to find ways to apply the document, which focused on Darfur, to all parts of Sudan. He added that this gives the Sudanese people the opportunity to achieve a successful local version of the Doha document for peace. He added that the upcoming national unity government will benefit from this approach, particularly in challenges related to establishing comprehensive peace and regaining stability. He stressed that peaceful resolutions were the basis of progress and prosperity.

Source: QNA