Kuwait to host Iraq reconstruction conference.

Kuwait's remarkable status in the regional and international arenas will greatly contribute to the success of the upcoming conference on Iraq's reconstruction, Iraqi government stated on Sunday.

"Kuwait enjoys a great respect of the Arab nations and Gulf cooperation Council (GCC) countries, which is a vital factor to motivate those nations to take part in the conference", Iraqi cabinet's Secretary General and head of the Iraqi team tasked with preparing for the conference Mahdi Al-Alaq said in remarks to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA).

The distinguished Kuwaiti-European ties also boost chances for making the upcoming gathering a success, as Iraq received warm welcoming by US, UK and a number of European countries for the desire of Kuwait to host the event.

Iraq chose Kuwait as the best candidate to host the conference among other two Arab nations and a European country, he affirmed.

Iraq's reconstruction conference will take place in Kuwait between February 12-14 with the participation of a number of countries, organizations and companies, he added.

Source: BNA