Intl Cooperation Minister praises Arab countries' cooperation on migration issues

The Minister of International Cooperation Osman Ahmed Fadl Wash has praised cooperation of Arab countries and the world with Sudan on migration issues and exchange of experiences.
The minister pointed out, after a meeting Saturday with Arab delegations including Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon and Palestine at the Corinthia Hotel, to the participation of the officials of the immigration issues in other countries, experts and scholars abroad in Conference, which is being held these days in Khartoum.
Wash said, in a statement to SUNA, that the meeting came within the framework of the Migration Management Program and invitation of the experts to contribute to the nation-building along with their counterparts from Arab states to contribute to the exchange of expertise with Sudan.
The minister explained that the conference would discuss ways to benefit from the experience of Sudanese working abroad, referring to the movement of migrants who contributed to the construction of other countries and came back and contributed to the development of their homelands, stressing importance of taking advantages of the experiences of others, revealing that the immigration has become one of the core issues that haunts the world.
For his part, the Deputy Secretary General of the Organ of the Sudanese Expatriates' Affairs Abdul-Rahman Sidahmed affirmed that the purpose of the meeting was to realize integration of knowledge through collaboration with the countries having similar profound experiences, explaining that the Sudan experience is unique in the field of immigration, adding that we are keen to achieve integration with other countries.

Source: SUNA