GCC concerned over violations, crimes in Syria

The Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the United Nations Office in Geneva and other international organizations participated at the High-level panel discussion on the situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic as per the fourth agenda item of the 34th Session of Human Right Council being convened at the United Nation Palace in Geneva.
The Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Bahrain to Geneva and the current chairman of the GCC Bloc Ambassador Dr. Yousif Abdul Kareem Bucheeri spoke on behalf of the member States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC).
The ambassador expressed the grave concern of the GCC member States toward the violations and crimes committed in Syria including forced disappearance and arbitrary detention regardless of the perpetrator and also expressed their concern over the fate of dozens of thousands of detainees in the Syrian regime’s prisons who are detained in an inhumane conditions and denied their legitimate rights in impartial and independence trials that meet the international standards.
The Permanent Representative on behalf GCC member States called for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2254 and swift lift of the besieged Syrian cities, delivery of humanitarian assistance to suffering areas and besieged civilians, halting the bombardment of the populated areas, as well as release of detainees and stop of the capital penalties execution.
He urged the international community to investigate the instances of impunity against accountability currently prevailing in Syria and to take necessary measures to support and enforce the efforts that have been taken to ensure probe and accountability in Syria. (MOFA)
Ambassador Dr. Bucheeri reiterated the GCC States’ firm commitment to strongly push for the alleviation of suffering of the Syrian people and to directly back the relevant international organizations that work inside Syrian territories and financially assist the hosting neighboring countries of the Syrian refugees.
He stressed the GCC States shore up to the efforts of the UN Secretary General Envoy to Syria that aim to reach an inclusive peaceful settlement to the crisis that maintains the security and territorial integrity of Syria and wished the success of the upcoming round of negotiation this month in reaching a political settlement that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people.

Source: BNA