Sharjah Police arrested men involved int he theft of 4x4 vehicles.

 Police in Sharjah have arrested six men involved in the theft of a number of 4x4 vehicles using duplicated keys. One of the suspects worked in a car service shop and is believed to have passed on copies of original keys.

Police did not give out the number of vehicles that had been stolen by the gang.

Lieutenant Colonel Faisal Bin Nasser, deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Department at Sharjah Police, said on Saturday that police had received a number of complaints about the theft of vehicles from different areas in Sharjah.

The police launched an investigation and managed to identify the suspects before tracking them down.

Lt. Col. Bin Nasser said that one of the suspects who was identified and arrested confessed that he had stolen a number of four-wheel-drive vehicles in Sharjah as well as from other emirates with the help of his accomplices. The suspect led the police to other gang members.

All the six suspects are Asians and one of them who was working in a car service shop would copy keys of vehicles against the payment of a certain amount of money.

Lt. Col. Bin Nasser advised motorists to not leave their vehicles in badly lit areas. He also urged people not to leave their car engines on when stepping out of the vehicle and to make sure that they had locked their vehicles when getting out even if it was only for a few seconds

source : gulfnews