President of the Civil Service

President of the Civil Service Bureau(CSB) Ahmed bin Zayed Al Zayed has endorsed a circular to 11 governmental entities aimed to promote their participation and encourage them to discuss, review and study the steps of the services workflow.


Director General of Organization & Position Budget, Jamal Abdulaziz Al-Alawi, stressed the need to improve government services and in line with government directions on improving the quality of public services and facilitating all procedures and to focus on the citizen in the first place,

Al-Alawi added that this initiative aims to accelerate the pace of work and reduce unnecessary steps to the beneficiaries of citizens, residents and investors, through periodic and continuous review of services provided by the organizations concerning customers reception in different entities that fall under the civil service umbrella, and in various specializations in accordance with developments in tasks and responsibilities and keep pace with changes that have occurred in the nature of work in each governmental body.

He concluded by stressing that this initiative is part of "re-engineering" initiatives in partnership with the government entities in particular the Office of His Royal Highness the First Deputy Prime Minister, the Ministry of Finance, Institute of Public Administration, e-Government and Informatics Organisation which heads primarily task of achieving the satisfaction of citizens and recipients of government-provided services.