Deputy Prime Minister, Public Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani, considered Saturday that we are currently

Deputy Prime Minister, Public Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani, considered Saturday that we are currently witnessing a very critical period, and Lebanon is at crossroads, which calls for national unity and cohesion among various sides in the country for the sake of preserving Lebanon's security and stability.

"We have for long focused on the sovereignty of the State and its independence, and we shall continue to work in that direction," asserted Hasbani.

His words came during his tour in the district of Jbeil today, where he had a closer look at the various needs of its villages, especially with regards to proper health care.

Hasbani stressed on "the importance of strengthening the primary health care centers in the entire region of Jbeil in cooperation with the municipalities and civil society organizations, since these centers can substitute for hospitals."

"Institution-building lies on your shoulders. You are the base of the State institutions' pyramid. We hope you would be close to the people, providing them with the best services in order to build a healthy society," Hasbani told municipality heads and officials whom he met during his Jbeil tour

Source: NNA