Dr. Ali bin Sumaikh Al Marri

 President of the National Human Rights Committee Dr. Ali bin Sumaikh Al Marri described the challenges facing the region since 2011 as dangerous and said that all governmental and non-governmental agencies must work together to find a way out.
He said that such challenges manifest in the emergence of armed groups and the spread of hateful, sectarian ideas. In addition to a general environment for limiting freedoms. He also highlighted civil wars and crimes against humanity, particularly in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. He noted the refugee crisis as yet another challenge facing the region.
Al Marri was speaking at the opening session of the International Conference on Human Rights Approach to Conflict Situations in the Arab Region. He stressed that the armed conflicts taking place in the Arab World are all a result of the failure to provide social, political and economic rights to the people. In addition to the marginalization of many sections of the now-embattled societies.
He noted that weapons alone will not be enough to fight terrorism The real way to do so is by respecting human right, starting a dialogue and establishing the groundwork for transitional justice. He stressed that terrorism has no place in countries that respect rights, freedoms and social justice. He stressed that there is no security without respect for human rights.
He also touched on Islamophobia, and said that such sentiments will not lead to progress in the fight against terrorism. The way forward, Al Marri maintained, was to build bridges between countries and cultures.
Al Marri noted that today's conference is held weeks after bloody and tragic battles that saw war against humanity in Aleppo and other Syrian cities, which led to the biggest amount of refugees since World War II.
He expressed his appreciation to the role of the State of Qatar in supporting the Syrian people and facing the war crimes committed by the Syrian regime. The president of NHRC praised in particular the decision of HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani in cancelling national day celebrations in solidarity with the victims of Aleppo city.
He also renewed the call to implement a UN resolution which would examine crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Syria, in order to punish the perpetrators who threatened international peace and stability.
Al Marri stressed on the importance of punishing perpetrators, not only as a way to fight violations and crimes, but as a deterrence for the future.
Finally, he called on the international community to take a bold stand against Israel's illegal settlement policy and the judaization of Al Quds.

Source: QNA