Leader of National Umma Party, Imam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi

Leader of National Umma Party, Imam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi has called for cessation of war, and polarization along with confronting challenges facing the Country.
He indicated, while he addressing the inaugural sitting of General Conference of the Popular Congress Party in Khartoum, Friday, that national dialogue should be inclusive realizes freedom, sets control over security organs and meets requirements roadmap signed between the Government and Sudan Call Forces, disclosing that it would achieve just and comprehensive peace and a national government that excluded nobody.
He said that Umma Party, Sudanese people and the international community were following the PCP conference and hoped that the party adopts moderate stances over controversial issues, stoppage of way and polarization.
The Leader of National Umma Party eulogized the late , Dr Al-Turabi.

Source: SUNA