President Mahmoud Abbas

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas praised the efforts of the State of Qatar in supporting the Palestinian cause, stressing his keenness to consult with HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani in many issues.
President Abbas underlined to his strong relation with Qatar's leadership, people and Government, noting in this regard to an expected visit he will conduct to Qatar. Abbas said that Qatar is his second home because he had lived in for 15 years and he has distinctive relationship with Qatar. 
In an interview with (Al-Watan) newspaper published Thursday, the Palestinian President talked about various developments related to the Palestinian cause. Regarding his recent phone conversation with US President Donald Trump, Abbas told Al-Watan that it showed that Trump is serious in finding a settlement of the Palestinian issue. 
Abbas added at the same time that the recent visit of the US Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt to the occupied Palestinian territories did not carry any proposals or ideas, given that his visit came to listen and know what are in the Palestinians minds to convey this to President Trump, and when they meet the US president there will be answers to what he heard, which is enough to form a clear image, after that he must suggest appropriate solutions.
Abbas also said that he explained to Greenblatt everything related to the Palestinian case and informed him abut what disrupts solutions such as settlement projects, the transfer of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and the outstanding issues between the Palestinian side and the Israelis.
President Abbas stressed the need to resolve the Palestinian issue, otherwise, the Middle East will remain on a hot tin, so if the Palestinian issue is resolved, then all the problems in the region will also be resolved. He pointed out that he explained to the US administration that he is against terrorism in all its forms. 
About the role of the White House to move the political process forward despite Trump's stances that support Israel, and followed by the announcement to transfer US embassy to Jerusalem, said Abbas that when Trump announced that, he was in his election campaign before taking over the presidency in America, and after winning the presidential election, the Palestinian side sent him several messages that the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy the entire peace process, which is contrary to the public US attitude.
Furthermore, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that the successive administrations tried to postpone the transfer of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and if this happens, there will be no solution to the Palestinian issue.
About the existence of alternatives in case of the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem, Abbas said that his country has do not want to anticipate events, and it has a strategic alternative positions based on the event if it occurs, expecting that the embassy will not be transferred in the near future. 
In his interview with Al Watan newspaper, the Palestinian President noted that Israel buries the two-state solution through settlement, adding that they discuss this issue with the Americans and everyone. 
Abbas said that that settlement actually destroy the two-state solution, stressing that there are tendencies among some Palestinians who want a single state, and "we are as a leadership with a two-state solution on the occupied lands 1967, and the settlements in all the occupied territories 67 is illegal." Regarding his planned visit to Russia in May, the Palestinian President affirmed the strategic relations with Russia that based on friendship and trust, confirming the important role of Russia and it standing along with the two-state solution. He said that his country discussed with Russia all the issues in the region, not only the Palestinian cause, adding that Russia is following up all issues pertaining to the Palestinian cause, and were briefed on all the developments. 
On the security inside the camps, which has become a security challenge poses a threat to Lebanon and the Palestinian refugees, Abbas said that his country's position was clear since the days of President Emile Lahoud, noting that they are guests in Lebanon and they do not want a weapon inside or outside the camps, but they leave the protection of the Palestinian camps under the auspices of the Lebanese government and security. 
Regarding the Arab summit in Jordan at the end of this month, the Palestinian President said that Arab situation is unhealthy, there are problems, wars and conflicts, and he is well aware that Jordan's King Abdullah II wants the success of the upcoming Arab summit to overcome the difficulties facing the Arab nation. 
President Abbas called on the Arab world to help them to get their legitimate rights within the framework of the two-state solution vision, and in the framework of the Arab peace initiative, and to help them also to solve the problem of internal Palestinian division. He also said that they are consulting with all Arab nation in any steps they want to take over the Palestinian issue, and they are in contact and coordinate with the Arab League, the Arab Monitoring Committee and the Arab Quartet Committee. 

Source: QNA