The England boss said: "The timing is difficult. You need to ask Fifa, they decided this. "I can’t watch any of the players I need to choose. I don’t know what level any of the players will be." England face Bulgaria and Wales in important Euro 2012 qualifying games during September and the Italian manager claims he will restrain from experimenting with players and focus on getting a result against the Dutch. He added: "Now I need to prepare for the qualifying games, I make experiments if it’s possible when games are not so important, but this game is very important because we then have a really short time to prepare for the next qualification games." Manchester United chief executive David Gill has also voiced his concerns about Fifa’s fixture calendar with the Red Devils having just returned from their tour of USA in the knowledge that they will lose key players to international duty straight after the Community Shield. Gill said: "There are some issues. There are no easy solutions. These things have been around for many years but if we can get together, it will be for the betterment of the game."