Donald Trump denied Wednesday that his White House transition is in disarray amid reports of a backstabbing

Donald Trump denied Wednesday that his White House transition is in disarray amid reports of a backstabbing purge of mainstream Republican aspirants as he puts together his new administration. 

In a burst of tweets, Trump also rejected as "false" a New York Times report that foreign leaders were having trouble getting through to the billionaire president-elect. 

"Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions. I am the only one who knows who the finalists are," he wrote late Tuesday. 

Following up Wednesday, he rejected reports of disarray and infighting for plum posts, as "so totally wrong." 

"It is going so smoothly," he said.
"Also, I have spoken to many foreign leaders," he said, adding in another tweet that he had taken calls from Russia, Britain, China, Saudi Arabia and Japan

Source: NNA