Donald Trump, who defied all elements of the US political establishment since announcing his candidacy in

Donald Trump, who defied all elements of the US political establishment since announcing his candidacy in mid-2015, made a triumphant appearance at his New York City campaign headquarters on Wednesday morning, claiming the US presidency. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton telephoned Trump earlier and conceded the election, Trump confirmed.

"It is time for Americans to bind the wounds of division and get together," Trump said. "It is time for us... to come together as one united people." "I pledge that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important to me," he said.

Trump said he wanted to "reach out and unify our great country. Ours was not a campaign, but an incredible and great movement ... of people who want a bigger and brighter future for themselves and their familes. ... of people of all races and backgrounds who want a government that serves the people -- and serve the people it will." The president-elected pledged to "renew the American dream." "It is going to be a beautiful thing," he said. "Everyone will have an opportunity to realize their fullest potential." Trump said "the forgotten people of America will be forgotten no longer." He promised to rebuild America's infrastructure, saying it will be "second to none." Millions of American will be put to work rebuilding it, he said.

He also promised to take care of "our great veterans," referring to US military veterans. Trump said he would double US growth and create "the strongest economy in the world." He also said the US would "get along with all countries as long as they want to get along with us." "America will no longer settle for anything less than the best," he said.

The country will dream "big, bold and daring," and will seek "partnership, not conflict." Vice presidential-elect Mike Pence took the podium first with his family, proclaiming a "historic night. The American people have spoken and elected their new champion

Source: KUNA