U.S. President Donald Trump

U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday ordered the creation of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy (OTMP) to boost trade management.
The OTMP aims to "defend and serve American workers and domestic manufacturers," according to the executive order Trump signed in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania just ahead of his 100th day speech.
The office shall also advise the president "on policies to increase economic growth, decrease the trade deficit, and strengthen the United States' manufacturing and defense industrial bases," the document said.
The OTMP will be created within the White House Office and its director will be chosen by the president.
The move to step up management for trade-related issues came days after Trump signed the "Buy American, Hire American" executive order which directed the federal government to close loopholes on government procurement and review standing immigration policies to create favorable conditions for U.S. citizens in the labor market.

Source: Xinhua