Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte holds talks with King Salman

Three agreements were signed between Saudi Arabia and the Philippines on Tuesday following talks between King Salman and President Rodrigo Duterte.
The king and Duterte, who arrived late Monday, reviewed bilateral cooperation and discussed the latest developments.
A memorandum of understanding was inked by Riyadh and Manila for consultations and cooperation program.
An accord was signed by Ali bin Ghafis, Saudi labor minister, and Enrique Manalo, Philippine acting foreign minister, in the field of employment. Manalo also signed a cooperation pact — between the Prince Saud Al-Faisal Institute for Diplomatic Studies and the Institute of the Philippine Foreign Service — with Nizar bin Madani, minister of state for foreign affairs.
Saudi Arabia is the first leg of Duterte’s Gulf tour. He will visit Bahrain Wednesday through Friday, and Qatar Friday through Sunday.
Duterte’s office said the state visits aim “to strengthen efforts for the protection of the rights and promotion of the welfare of the more than 1 million of our people working in those countries; invite Middle Eastern investors to the Philippines to usher in progress here at home; and to forge stronger partnerships by elevating our political and economic cooperation with these countries.”

Source: Arab News