Protesters during “Not My President Day”

The number of cities and the size of the crowds said it all.  National “Not My President Day” across the United States on Monday was a huge success, according to CNN.

New York, Chicago, Atlanta and Los Angeles were just some of the cities celebrating Presidents Day in the US doing something few had ever done before, protesting against their newly elected president, Donald Trump.

Holding signs and brandishing loudspeakers, protestors rose to the occasion with t-shirts for sale that read “Elected but Not Chosen.”  Olga Lexell, one of the multi-city rally organizers spoke to reporters about the growing grassroots liberal backlash, saying that Trump “lost the popular vote and is ruling like somebody who won by a landslide.”

Protesting a new president in not unprecedented. Most who showed up for Monday’s events, however, were challenged to remember a time when the scale was as large or as vigorous as the protests have been since Trump won the November election. The sheer numbers of those showing up at protests since then and the long list of issues involved are unheard of at least in recent times.

Average private citizens like Rachel McPhee hope the protests reveal “people coming together to resist this administration” and “show Donald Trump how much opposition he has, as he did not win the popular vote and isn’t representative of our whole country.”

Rally organizers are committed to keeping up the momentum. More rallies are in the works for the Tax Day March on April 15. Organizers have been encouraged by the fact that senior Republicans are feeling compelled to go on record with their objections to Trump’s autocratic behaviour.

As one protestor, Janell Kastner, said, public protest as a form of civil disobedience “further unifies those of us who do not adhere to Donald Trump’s apparent lack of moral standing.”

Source :Morocco World News