Vatican Pope Francis

Niqabat Al Ashraf welcomed the visit by Vatican Pope Francis to Egypt on Friday.

During his first visit to Egypt, Pope Francis will attend the Azhar International Peace Conference - which is due to open later Thursday.

He will also hold talks with Grand Imam of Al Azhar Sheikh Ahmed Tayyeb.

In statements to MENA on Thursday, Niqabat Al Ashraf Head Mahmoud el Sherif said the pope's visit to Egypt would entrench love and peace as well as the values of forgiveness and dialogue.

He added that the visit would send a message of peace from Egypt as a safe and stable state.

The Vatican pope's visit comes at an invitation from President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.

The Vatican pope is scheduled to visit Saint Mark's Cathedral for talks with Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Diocese.

The visit coincides with the 70th anniversary of establishing the Egyptian-Vatican diplomatic ties.

Source: MENA