President Hage Geingob

Namibian President Hage Geingob has warned businesses of respecting the country's laws and stop exposing workers to hazardous workplace conditions.

In his Labor Day speech Sunday at Oshakati, about 800 kilometers north from the capital Windhoek, Geingob said he has received disturbing reports regarding workplace safety around the country.

"It seems that there are a number of business people and companies, both local and foreign that believe it is fine to cut corners and subject our workers to unhygienic, hazardous and dangerous conditions in the workplace," he said.

Geingob further said a number of workers have died because of lack of safety at the workplace, while many others are suffering ill health.

He assured workers that the government would follow up on all reports that have been brought to him by the labor ministry and that appropriate measures are put in place to prevent such situations and incidents again.

He reminded companies and investors to respect Namibian laws just as the government respects them.

"We create a conducive environment for business in which you have opportunities to conduct your business safely and successfully. Just as government provides you with a safe environment characterized by peace and stability, in which you can do business, you should provide the workers with a safe environment in which they can help you do business," he said.

Geingob urged employers to treat their workers dignity, saying: "As a farm owner myself, I have endeavored to lead by example and ensure that workers on my farm are provided with decent housing, running water and toilet facilities. I challenge all other to follow suit without delay." Enditem


Source: XINHUA