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Malaysia said on Saturday it has fully implemented UN sanctions on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) after media reports alleged it may have violated such sanctions by allowing DPRK-linked arms dealing companies in the country.

Media reported earlier this week that Glocom, a front company run by the DPRK, sold battlefield radio equipment in Malaysia, with a member of Malaysia's ruling party UMNO as its director.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that Malaysia viewed with serious concern the reports that indicate Malaysia's non-compliance with sanctions on DPRK by the UN Security Council.

"Malaysia categorically rejects any such insinuation," it said.

It added that Malaysia has has provided the required responses to the queries raised by the Panel of Experts and will fully cooperate.

Bilateral ties between Malaysia and DPRK have been strained since the death of a DPRK man with the passport name of "Kim Chol" at the Kuala Lumpur airport.

The DPRK accused Malaysia of "colluding with hostile forces" and said it did not trust Malaysian police's investigation, while Kuala Lumpur has refuted the DPRK ambassador's statement on the case and recalled its ambassador to Pyongyang.

The Malaysian police said two companies behind Glocom was being "struck off."

Xinhua: Source