presidential candidate Marine Le Pen

A majority of French voters see presidential candidate Marine Le Pen's National Front party as a threat to democracy, a Kantar Sofres-Onepoint poll released on Tuesday showed.

According to the survey, 58 percent of respondents believed the anti-immigrant and eurosceptic party represents a danger to democracy, up from 47 percent recorded in 2013.

Only 19 percent of them said they are in favor of Le Pen presidency for the next five years, with a minority endorsing her proposals to abandon euro and give employment priority to French citizens over legal migrants.

However, a third of people approve its idea mainly in relation with security, the poll figures showed.

"The National Front remains in a certain dynamics after the electoral successes of the European election in 2014 and the regional ones in 2015. Although, the so-called 'glass ceiling' that prevents National Front candidates from being elected to important executive job seems to be maintained," Carine Marce, associate director at Kantar Public said.

With the conservative contender Francois Fillon's bid in turmoil due to a scandal over his wife's job, and centrist Emmanuel Macron's policy untested, most polls see Le Pen is very likely to top the first round on April 23, but consistently predict her losing in the run-off.

Le Pen who campaigned for nationalism and anti-establishment platform, pledged to slash migration, send homes all illegal migrants and impose taxes on job contacts of foreigners.

She also vowed to renegotiate the European Union treaty, restore internal borders and local currency upon her election.

In 2012, Le Pen came third in the presidential race, but enjoyed an unexpected high vote in the first round. About 17.9 percent of 44.6 million French casted their ballots for an anti-immigration policy and abandon of euro.

Source: Xinhua