Minister of State for Interior Talal Chaudhry.

Minister of State for Interior Talal Chaudhry on Saturday said the government would remove all reservations and objections of the opposition parties regarding legislation about delimitation of constituencies.
Talking to a private news channel, he said the government would legally address the objections of opposition on delimetations.
The minister said the government had taken opinion regarding legislation on the delimitation from all political parties who had representation in the Parliament, including those who had only one seat but now the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) was raising objections and trying to please some one else.
He said the PPP had forgotten the Bhutto’s ideology and accepted the amendment in the constitution by Gen (R) Pervez Musharraf.
Talal Chaudhry said the opposition should avoid opting for any such step which might cause to delay holding of next general election.

Source: APP