Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili

 Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili said Saturday that festive events will be arranged throughout the country to celebrate an visa-free entry with the European Union beginning March 28.

"As you know, the EU has finalized all relevant legal procedures. Importantly, we will hold special events on March 26 and March 27, to celebrate this achievement throughout the country and to thank our partners," he was quoted by local media reports as saying.

The reports said celebrations in the Georgian capital include on-street guests entertainment by Georgian and European dishes, and related educational children games, among others.

On March 27, a grand gala concert will be held in the downtown European Square, to be followed into night by a two-hour show of fireworks.

European lawmakers approved the visa-free entry regime for Georgia in February, which will enable Georgia's biometric passport holders to freely enter Schengen member states and stay for at most 90 days.

source: Xinhua