Federal National Council

The Federal National Council, FNC, has strongly condemned the terrorist attack outside Britain's Parliament in London on Wednesday.

Scores of innocent people were killed and injured.

''The FNC stands in solidarity with the government and people of the friendly United Kingdom in confronting terrorism. It also rejects and denounces any criminal acts against innocent people by whomsoever,'' according to a statement issued by the FNC on Thursday.

The FNC extended heartfelt condolences to the government and people of Britain, Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, and Speaker of the House of Lords, Lord Fowler, and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.

The FNC stressed the need for regional and international forces to unite in the fight against extremist and terrorist organisations, which intimidate civilians and commit acts that breach religions, human and ethical values and principles.

The FNC reaffirmed the UAE's unequivocal position of denouncing terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, which target any sex or religion without discrimination.