The First Vice - President of the Republic and National Prime Minister, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih

The First Vice - President of the Republic and National Prime Minister, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih, has received a message of thanks from the Chinese Vice - President of the Council of State, Zhang Gao Lei, for the invitation extended to him and his recent successful visit to Sudan.
In his message, the Vice President of the Chinese Council of State said that the visit has enabled the two sides to hold fruitful talks and to exchange views on ways to consolidate the Sino-Sudanese relations and cooperation.
He said that the Chinese side looks forward for exerting joint efforts with the Sudanese side for bolstering the friendship, pushing ahead the strategic partnership between the two countries and realizing more accomplishments in all fields.
It is to be recalled that the Vice - President of the Chinese Council of the State has visited Sudan during August 25 - 26, held talks with the President of the Republic and the First Vice - President and chaired the Chinese side in a joint sitting of talks.
