Bahrain rejects Swiss Representative’s statement before UNHRC

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has strongly rejected what was said in the statement delivered by the Swiss Representative before the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on March 14 in which he included some allegations about the human rights situation in the Kingdom.
The ministry affirms that the statement includes clear fallacies, untrue claims and bare accusations on the human rights status in Bahrain which in fact boasts of a clean record in this respect that stands for a model in reinforcing and protecting human rights within the national constitutional institutions and at par with international standards.
As the ministry expresses its utmost condemnation of, and protest against, the statement that overlooks the Kingdom’s legal framework, national preemptive mechanisms and its efforts to safeguard and underpin human rights along with its pioneering projects in reinforcing human rights, it affirms the need to cease delivering similar statements that are alien to reality and void of objectivity.
It stresses the need to observe facts, adhere to consultations with the Kingdom of Bahrain, respect its sovereignty, abide by the basic principles that are ingrained in international cooperation principles, obtain well-sourced news and not to be dragged into a quagmire of the fallacies propagated by sides of special agendas and susceptible goals that are incompatible with the legal criteria of human rights respect.
The ministry has already sent a protest memo to the Foreign Ministry of the Swiss Federation in this regard. 

Source: BNA