GCC ministers of interior

GCC ministers of interior, defense and foreign affairs will hold a joint meeting, in Riyadh, next Thursday, to discuss ways to tackle Iran's practices in Iraq that threaten the security of GCC states, a senior source said.
The source added that the integration of the GCC countries reached the highest levels, so as not to allow any threat from any country, because the GCC States are aware of the nature of the challenges they face. The source indicated that this high integration, comes in order to protect the security of the GCC states and achieve the aspirations of its citizens, stressing that the importance of the meeting is to achieve greater integration, and stand in the face of any threat to the GCC States.

Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, is expected to chair the consultative meeting of interior ministers in GCC countries to discuss a number of issues related to the joint security coordination between the GCC countries.